Testing Tron vs Grail on Temple KoM Reverse
Is it better to swap to a gravel bike for the Temple KoM Reverse? Let’s test a Tron bike vs a Canyon Grail and find out.
Is it better to swap to a gravel bike for the Temple KoM Reverse? Let’s test a Tron bike vs a Canyon Grail and find out.
Which is best Tron or Grail for the first part of Road to Sky? It’s the…
A couple of top-10 results in the “Tiny Races” put me in the top 100.😃
Today was the first time I won a race longer than about 10km
The helmet I wanted was only available in white, so I had to completely repaint it to make it my own (still ongoing)…
In the “100 Greatest Climbs” app there’s a cluster of 6 at the intersection of Surrey, Kent and Sussex. More accurately, it’s a cluster of …